Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Let's Get This Show on the Road

We've been a lot of places in these United States. There are only a few places we would revisit. The Tetons are one of them. We considered Canada, but traded in a trip north for a new deck and a trip west. Compromise is a good thing. We'll start our trip today with a short hop to Kansas City to visit my BFF and for most probably the only gourmet meal (at Bluestem) we'll eat, as Jackson, Wyoming, is more about mountains and less about food. (There are some places we'll try since there are always gems tucked away here and there.)

What I'm not sure of is just how much I'll blog. There are only so many pictures of mountains, rivers and woods one can view. We aren't moving all over the place, either. We'll stay six days at Jackson Lake Lodge, head to Yellowstone for a few more days, then turn towards home in a hurry. I'm afraid the posts will start to look very much the same…today, we saw the mountains.

So, with that being said, the posts may be few and far between…we'll see what kind of adventure we can drum up. Here we go!


Craig Cox said...

My seatbelt is fastened and I'm ready to roll. Let's go.

MommaCurp said...

Asking for adventure, eh? Be careful, you might get what you ask for!!

Trekker said...

You are headed to God's country! Photographs never do it justice, they are lost in translation. Have a great trip!

Unknown said...

But I love your summer adventures! Saw pictures of Jackson some time. Ago and wanted to pick up and go.

Unknown said...

Have a great trip. I look forward to the beautiful mountains!

Be safe!