Saturday, July 1, 2017

North Dakota Here We Come

It's here! We're headed to North Dakota tomorrow! Actually, we're headed to Canada via North Dakota. Once we visit North Dakota, we will have visited (which we qualify as destination dining, sightseeing, and/or sleeping in) all. fifty. states. Yup. That's how we roll. :)

As usual, our first day is a lot of driving to cover ground. Some find these days monotonous and boring, but I kinda' like them. These days are the decompress, unwind, and unplug kind of days. We talk some, observe some, laugh a lot, and sometimes end up off the beaten path a little.

Are you ready to join us?

I just have a couple things to do for work!


Pam A. Joseph Watson said...

I'm in! First question- where did you get the cute paisley folders for work?

Unknown said...

This is an awesome idea! I'll have to find a way to do this! The traveling all over, not the blogging. I'm not good at blogging! Enjoy!!

Tim and Amy said...

Pam, I think I got them at Office Depot. Unfortunately, it was a couple of years ago. :(

Katie, we've had a ton of fun traveling the United States!

MommaCurp said...

I'm with you! How long is our trip?😊

Tim and Amy said...

Thanks, Sallye! I wasn't sure who that was!

Unknown said...

I love the name and wall photo for your blog, Amy! And the fact that ND will complete your travel to all 50 of the United States is quite an accomplishment. I'm only about halfway through the 50, so I have some planning to do. Have an awesome adventure!!

Tim and Amy said...

Thanks, Diane! We're super excited!