Thursday, July 12, 2012

To Know and Be Known

What is it with the common people's infatuation with celebrities? I thought for sure I needed the tour of the celebrity houses of Hollywood. I thought I needed to see where the people I see on television and in movies every day live. Why? I don't know. Really. I don't know.

There is a part of me that wanted to glean something from seeing those houses. Did I think that by seeing where they live, I might be able to know something more about them? Did I think that the next time I saw them on television or in a movie I could think to myself or say to whomever I was with, "Hey, I saw the house where they live," and be able to in some way make a connection with those people on TV? I did go on that tour of celebrity houses (and obviously, drug Tim with me. Wait. I didn't drug him I...nevermind).

It was fascinating to see the different styles and sizes. I snapped pictures of lots of them but will not be able to tell you which house belonged to whom because in the end, a house really has little to do with who you are. Seeing a house does not give you a look into someone's home. (And interestingly, enough, the advertising calls it "celebrity homes" tour.) I think it's just because our Creator created us to know and be known.

So my theory is celebrities un- or sub- consciously want to be known. They go about it in odd ways since you really never know a celebrity, but I think it may what they're searching for. I'm sure there is some pride that goes with it, and I want to believe that most start off because they love to perform, and I kind of get that. It does intrigue me. I guess I admire the "artist type" so I would like to know them--know what makes them tick. Really that's about all we did today...well, and eat, of course. Sushi, crepes, and Roscoe's chicken and waffles. (See all the pictures by clicking the link on the right.) Odd combination, I know. Tim didn't seem to mind so it couldn't have been too bad, huh?

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