Sunday, July 8, 2012


So we got another later start and got to Saguaro National Park in the heat of the day. You know the best thing about being in the desert during the hottest part of the day? You're the only ones moving--this includes the western diamondback rattlesnakes, the scorpions, and the gila monsters. We didn't see any. Nope. Not a single one. Apparently, they were all asleep under rocks, where it's cool, taking a siesta. And that's a good thing. The only things that stirred were western kingbirds, lizards, and us.

The cacti in the desert are so different from the foliage in Missouri. The saguaros tower above everything, standing guard like sentinels, their arms going every which way. The ocotillo's branches sway in the wind, seemingly defying the laws of gravity. The barrel cactus stands stout and low to the ground, and several other varieties dot the desert floor between the rocks, gravel, and sand. It's funny to compare this vast desert landscape with the "potted deserts" we create back in the midwest.The land here is so vast and the one thing that seems to thrive is the cactus.

The drive today wasn't bad--six hours from Tucson to San Diego. To break up the drive, we stopped in Yuma for dinner. As much as I enjoy a fine meal, I can find pleasure in a good fast-food burger as well--especially if it's from IN-N-OUT. Oh how I have missed that burger. We came across our first one...actually, we sought it Yuma. For Tim, a double-double, no onion, for me single-cheese, animal style, extra everything. It made the next three hours bearable.

In the desert, right before we hit the mountain pass on highway 8 headed into San Diego, it was 113 degrees. In the mountains, the low 70s, and on the coast, at the hotel, a chilly 66 degrees--a nice respite from the heat. We will spend all of tomorrow and part of Monday here in San Diego. We're trying to decide if we will visit the San Diego Zoo. Really, the only reason I want to go is to compare it to the St. Louis Zoo. What do you think? Should we go? Leave a comment, and let me know your thoughts.


Deane said...

Loved the Burger photo. I vote no for the zoo. There'd be too much other stuff that can only be seen in San Diego. Are you going to make it to the glorious beach? Enjoy that cool weather. Heat has finally broken here--only suppose to be in the 90's today and in the upper 80's later this week. Hooray! 40% chance of rain on Wed or Thurs. I am sick of watering. It seems to be my early morning/late evening entertainment. Say hi to Ron Burgundy. Stay classy, San Diego!

Debbie said...

I have four kids, so of course I vote yes for the zoo! :-)

Tim and Amy said...

Debbie, at $42 for an adult 12 and older ypu'd still pick the zoo?

Tim and Amy said...

Deane, I think you might have stolen the title for today's post!