Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Burritos and F18 Hornets (not necessarily in that order)

This is Hotel Del Coronado. It is a fancy shmancy hotel on the island (that's not really an island) of Coronado. We did not stay here. We walked around the grounds and wondered how much it might cost to stay here. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express...and liked it. There is also a Naval Base on the island (that's not really an island) of Coronado. Tim just looked it up, the smallest room is $325 a night. It's a beautiful hotel from the outside. The lobby's beautiful, too. The rest of the island (that's not really an island) goes with the hotel. We wondered how much it might cost to live in one of the houses. Then we left the island (that's not really an island) of Coronado the same way we got there--the Coronado Bay Bridge, which was really high and kind of scary (at least to me).

Theeeeen, we toured the aircraft carrier Midway. That big ole' hunk of metal and wires was absolutely amazing. The ship is one thousand feet long (twice as long as the tallest building in San Diego). The wiring that is on the ship reaches from San Diego to New York. New York, people. That's almost twenty-eight hundred miles. An aircraft carrier is not for the claustrophobic. There are some really tight squeezes, especially on the way up to the bridge.

After we toured the Midway, I ate a burrito.Not just any burrito. I'm going to have to make a college reference here. Maybe only TC will be able to relate, but here it goes. I will crave this burrito like I used to crave a Taco Bell burrito supreme at two o'clock in the morning. It was pretty unassuming from the outside.

But on the inside...

It's a crying shame this burrito was in San Diego at this place. Next to a place called The Cherry Bomb. It's not really a shame it's next to The Cherry Bomb, just a shame it's in San Diego.

That was one fine burrito. : )

It took us all afternoon to sleep off work off that burrito. We went for a sunset dinner at George's Bistro. It was a rooftop bistro with an absolutely gorgeous view of the sunset. By the time we got our food, it was dark, so the pictures aren't very good. (See the link on the right if you must.) Although that meal was several times more expensive than Papas&Tacos' carne asada burrito, if I had to choose one of the two meals, it would be the burrito. Hands down. Too bad I may never have another.


Deane said...

What are those red things in your burrito? Gross. Other than that, it looks delicious.

MommaCurp said...

Made me do the Taco Bell Rap.... That's a pretty strong craving!!!!