Saturday, June 30, 2012

It Is Time

Summer school and summer school paperwork complete...check.
Application for doctoral program complete...check.
Car tuned up...check.
Mail stopped...check.
Lawn (what's left of it) mowed...check.
House clean...that would be what I'm taking a break from, progress.
Laundry...see above.
Packing...gotta finish laundry first.
First night's lodging...check. (Denise, can't wait to see you, Jose, and Nathanael!)
Cameras ready...check.
Destinations loosely planned....check. This is where Tim has spent the hottest parts of the last couple of weeks--researching on the computer and pouring over guide books. He rocks. (But most of you already know that.)

Ready to hit the road with my husband for an awesome road trip...checkity-check-check!

We will depart early tomorrow morning. The original plan was for today, but I just couldn't do it. June has been the craziest ever. I needed a day to breathe and get the house ready. Now, at 12:46 p.m., I'm chomping at the bit. Join us on our Southwest experience, won't you?


Craig Cox said...

Ok, have my seatbelt on and ready to go!

Craig Cox said...

"It is Time" a great quote from Rafiki.

Tim and Amy said...
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Tim and Amy said...

Thanks, Craig. I knew the movie but not the character!

Carla Cox said...

Too bad you couldn't leave with Craig's singing of the Lion King ringing in your ears! As for me, it will be in my head the rest of the day...

Tim and Amy said...

Wasn't in my head until you put it there. Thanks.