Friday, June 7, 2019

Greece is the Word and the Blues

I know...Grease...but in this case...Greece! That's where we're headed in just a few days! I'd like to blog the trip, but I'm not getting any younger and staying up until 2:00 in the morning to write is not at all appealing, so I'm not sure how long I'll last.

We're leaving Tim's well-manicured herb garden...

...and his newly planted perennials.

We've spent some time reading, researching, and talking to folks who have been to Greece.

And we've cheered on our beloved Blues only to be on a airplane to Athens at the exact time they could win the Cup!

But we couldn't be more excited! Join us, will you?


Momomma2 said...

Am so excited for you two..excited for your journey

Karen Koch said...

Safe travels!❤️