Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Post for June 10

Entry for June 10:

There is no internet access at the hotel where we are staying (nor will there be tomorrow since we’re staying in the same place), so the post is a day late.

At the end of every day Tim asks me, “So what’s your favorite place/event/incident so far?” Most of the time, he asks me to rank them 1 through 5, or 1 through 10. It’s really hard to rank our experiences because each one is so different. Each one has its own “good stuff.” Today we started off visiting the Buffalo Bill Coty Western History Museum. We would never have visited it had it not been for the recommendation of our friend Ken. He said, “If you like that kind of thing, it’s a really good museum.” Well, I wasn’t sure if I liked that kind of thing, and Ken told Tim that it had a gun museum which appealed to him. As it turned out, it was a really cool museum. I would not have expected such a thing in the little town of Cody, Wyoming. In fact, it was one of the best museums I’ve ever seen. I don’t know if I can describe why I thought it was so good, but I’ll try. It was well-laid out. You could investigate each exhibit as cursorily or as thoroughly as you wished. And while I am not necessarily a big fan of the “Old West,” this museum was quite interesting. It had an historical and a personal aspect to it. Okay, this was only a small part of out day, so I’ll move on.

We headed to Yellowstone around 10:30. From Cody it’s about 50 miles. The thing is, even the drive into Yellowstone is beautiful. Our first stop was Buffalo Bill Cody Dam. It was much bigger than I had anticipated. Looking down from the top of the dam was scary. Talk about potential energy. All that water held back by a few hundred tons of concrete and a lot of know-how.

The drive into Yellowstone was beautiful. I’m too tired to describe it in words, and the truth is, neither words nor pictures can truly describe it. The mountains, the lakes, the red rocks, and the canyons are all more evidence of God’s handiwork.

You'll have to look at the pictures to even get a glimpse of it. (By the way--new pictures are posted on the "photo album" in the right hand column. I would like to have a caption for you for each picture, but we just don't have the time.

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